CAREER MEDICAL OFFICERS BULLETIN Volume 1 Number 1 December 1996

Rural Doctors Resource Network

Ian Cameron

The NSW Rural Doctors Resource Network congratulates members of the Career Medical Officers Association on its formation, RDRN sees many similarities between the needs of Rural Doctors and Career Medical Officers.

In 1987 dissatisfaction amongst Rural Doctors led to the formation of the Rural Doctors Association in NSW. The settlement of the dispute by RDA and NSW Health led to an acceptable industrial package which has continued to be updated reasonably amicably between NSW Health and the RDA, and the formation of the RDRN which looks after the educational and support needs of Rural Doctors.

More Doctors would seem to be moving between CMO and Rural positions. For some rural Doctors a CMO position may very well be a reward and recognition of the skills they have gained in the bush, others may use the skills gained as a CMO to move towards a time in Rural Medicine.

The formation of the CMOA gives us a great chance to work together both for our own members, and for a better health system.

RDRN looks forward to cooperating around such things as the refresher weekends and education programmes. There is also an opportunity to develop ideas with the Rural Incentives Programme Implementation Committee around the prospects for more blurring of the margins between CMOs and Rural Doctors that can accompany the latest Budget changes. This could lead to quite exciting developments in CMOs being recognised as teachers, having opportunities for short term rural locums and service, and having that service recognised as training or continuing medical education.

RDRN supports the CMOA, and wishes you success.