
Australasian Society of Career Medical Officers

Education modules for CMOs
"CMO Club"

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CMO Education Modules for experienced medical officers


    CMO Club - this is a new concept. Initially proposed for CMOs working in Emergency Medicine environments. Everyone has access to all the education. Equally suitable for ACEM fellowship training, or even RMO training if that suits local needs.

    Entrance Fee = $220 (or $100 and one training module + model answer supplied by you). Thereafter, $50 annual fee (or one training module + model answer supplied by you)

    Run via website with a client specific password

    What you get for your money:

      - 8 completed senior training modules plus model answers on a CD
      - Access to a minimum of one new training module per quarter, for the period of one year.
      - Ideas and hints with each new module on how to make it more "fellowship specific" - ie teach the BiPAP module
      for the first hour, then give 2 x VAQs on blood gases and 1 x SAQ on a scenario involving shortness of breath for the second hour.

    Sample module:

    Contact details:

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The information contained within has been provided in good faith.
However, it may contain opinions and errors in fact. Therefore all information is not to be relied upon by any party.
It is presented to stimulate debate amongst the medical profession only

page maintained by David Brock for the ASCMO