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Frequently asked questions relating to the Continuing Professional Development Program (CPDP)

a CME Program catering to the diverse needs of CMOs and SMOs

Q. Why should I use ASCMO's CPDP ?

A. The CPDP is a computerised method for recording Continuing Medical Educational activities. It embraces the central tenant of self-directed learning: that the most relevant learning for the practising professional is best determined by the professional him/herself. When adopted by ASCMO it was being used by the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia for several years and had wide recognition from other medical colleges. It is not only a good way of organising your own CME, it is a very convenient way of proving to others that you are involved in CME

Q. Does the CPDP satisfy the NSW Medical Board's requirement for demonstrating Continuing Medical Education (CME) ?

A. Yes

Q What does the CPDP program expect me to do ?

A. The CPDP expects that you make a regular log of Contining Medical Educational experiences and activities that have impacted on your medical practice. The time required to do this should be no more than 2-5 minutes per day. You could, in theory, do this at any time after the educational event, however most find it practical to maintain the log on a daily, or at most, weekly, basis.

Q. How often will I need to submit a report ?

A. Twice yearly on request.

Q. Who will I be submitting reports to ?

A. The Education Officer of ASCMO, (via ASCMO's office manager at

Q. Who issues certificates ?

A. The Australasian Society of Career Medical Officers, ASCMO issues certificates to participants, who have submitted evidence that they have been involving themselves in relevant continuing medical education activities.

Q. How much will it cost ?

A. The current costs are $55-00 per annum for the computerised version (Windows compatible only), $110-00 per annum for the manual version. Installation software is provided when first joining the CPDP. (The reason for the difference is the greater handling costs with the paper version.)

Q. Can I do the CPDP program without being a member of ASCMO ?

A. No. The ASCMO had been involved in searching for educational resources (particularly CME) for its members for some years and was fortunate in having the support of the RCPA in this undertaking. Because of issues of feedback, quality control and certification, the program can only be provided to doctors who are also members of ASCMO

We want to provide a CME program well suited to the diverse needs of our members. If you have further questions relating to CPDP please contact Gabrielle du Preez-Wilkinson (ASCMO Education Officer) by email: 


Click here for a printable CPDP Application form.

Please note that we can only provide the Programme to financial members of ASCMO. If you're not a current member, simply join ASCMO, using our printable ASCMO Application form.


This page is designed for the sole use of medical practitioners
The information contained within has been provided in good faith.
However, it may contain opinions and errors in fact. Therefore all information is not to be relied upon by any party.
It is presented to stimulate debate amongst the medical profession only

page maintained by David Brock for ASCMO