VOTING Results from Annual General Meeting
27th February 1999, Rozelle Hospital, Sydney

Proposed changes to the NSW CAREER MEDICAL OFFICERS Award

Copies of all proposals had been mailed to all financial members of the CMOA prior to the meeting, and had been available via the CMOA's Web-site.

Comments were invited for and against each proposal at the AGM, before submitting each proposal to a vote from those attending and by pre-arranged proxy from those wishing to vote, but unable to attend.

The following proposals were CARRIED unanimously  

    "To retain and adjust the CAREER MEDICAL OFFICERS Award"

    "To adopt proposals affecting changes to 'Study Leave' similar to those in the SENIOR MEDICAL PRACTITIONER (STATE) AWARD"

    "To remove the Penalty, Overtime and Public Holiday Payments Barrier "

    "Indexing of all allowances to general salary increases"

    Meal Breaks are to be defined within the award.

    Correct Omission in ANNUAL LEAVE

    Include statements regarding all other forms of Leave (currently no mention of Parental and Adoption Leave, Personal Carers Leave, FACS Leave, etc)

    Include clear statements that:

      - Part-time CMOs have all the benefits enjoyed by fulltime employees on a pro-rata basis

      - Allow access to pro-rata long service leave to employees completing 10 years service (whether part-time or any mixture of part-time and full-time service).

      - allow CMOs to move from part to full time and vice versa with impunity


    Allow "LEAVE WITHOUT PAY" for the purposes of gaining relevant post-graduate qualifications

    "provision of sleeping quarters for CMOs exclusive use when completing nightshift or extended periods of duty"

    "introduction of double time payments for all hours worked, if returning to duty after less than 8 consecutive hours break, until an 8 consecutive hours break occurs, as described in other NSW awards such as the NSW Public Hospital Nurses' (State) Award".

    Leave reserved for interested parties to develop skills based classifications suitable for assessing Grading of CMOs for all areas of CMO expertise.

    statement allowing clear RIGHT TO PRIVATE PRACTICE

    Deletion of OBSOLETE clauses such as the Removal of "Preference of Employment" for those "who have been members of the Forces during the war"

    Correction of all DISCRIMINATORY LANGUAGE or OMMISIONS .. Long Service leave entitlements currently appear to be unavailable to defactos or partners of deceased medical officers.

The following proposals were CARRIED by a majority

    "To introduce optional skills based grading criteria and associated supporting structures"

    "To achieve a 15% rise in salary delivered as three installments of 5% at 6 monthly intervals"

    "Achieve on-call allowances of $10 per hour"

    "CMO Qualification allowances to equal RMO Qualification allowance"

    "In-charge allowance shall be applicable to all grades of CMO and be increased to $30 for each part of 12 hours continuous in-charge duty for responsibility for after-hours medical services"

    "Unpalatibility allowance of $25 per hour to be applied in addition to appropriate penalty or overtime rates for

      - all hrs on Sats & Suns > 4 Sats or Suns (or any combination of both) per cal mth"
      - all hrs on nightshift greater than 4 per cal month

    "Weeknight penalty rates be increased to 50% loading on normal hourly rate."

    "Include statement supporting adoption of AMA's "SAFE HOURS" NATIONAL CODE OF PRACTICE as varied from time to time."

The following proposal was DEFEATED by a majority

    "To increase hourly rates by a percentage loading to reflect two different types of rostering arrangements"


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