last updated 30th Nov 1998

    There are inadequacies in the current award structure and problems with the implementation of this award. It is due for review in 1999 and now is an opportune time to bring up problems and plan for an improved award next year.


Background to the Award
(what needs to be changed ?)
David Brock, CMO in ED, Tweed Heads

HREA and CMO's
Craig Thomson, Snr Industrial Officer HREA

Skills Based Award - the future ?
Peter Sommerville, Solicitor,
Executive Director Australian Salaried Medical Officers Federation (ASMOF) NSW

The Multi-Skilled Medical Officers (MMO) Contract
An alternative "Structure" for CMO's
(currently in place in the Illawarra Region of NSW)

David Brock, CMO in ED, Tweed Heads

The Contract Process .. Both sides of the coin
   Noelene Salmon, Sen Employee Relations Officer
NSW Dept of Health
Previous Industrial Officer AMA

Industrial Process .. Industrial Progress
Jim Deegan, Manager Industrial Services, AMA

Panel Discussion
Chaired Stephen Delprado

The Contract Process .. Both sides of the coin
   Noelene Salmon
Senior Employee Relations Officer, NSW Dept of Health
(Previous Industrial Officer AMA)

Noelene was involved in development of the Multi-Skilled Medical Officers Agreement in 1997. At that time she was an Industrial Officer for the AMA.

A shortfall in the supply of hospital doctors occurred after the withdrawal of seconded junior medical staffing early 1990's. (a VMO allegedly refused a junior doctor's request to come and review a patient).

The shortfall was filled by GP VMO's and locum doctors essentially provided by a single agency. Many locums travelled from Sydney and were seeking remuneration for such service. Over the years they became increasingly dissatisfied and frustrated by management.

These Doctors wanted:

    - reasonable pay & conditions,
    - tired being casuals
    - a rewarding career path that valued training, was flexible and provided opportunities to increase skills and progress

Changes in Management staff further reduced the poor rapport between Mx & Medical Staff. The Hospital wanted a stable budget and flexible band of people who could fill in varied situations: A & E, ICU, O & G, Paed (ie: Multi-skilled)

Health Dept (Illawarra Area Health Service) stable well-skilled flexible body of people

Industrially mobilise ourselves

Negotiate an agreement. Contract between 2 parties in a legal envelope

this information is intended for use by medical professionals only
all information is a guide only and not to be relied upon by any party

page maintained by David Brock for ASCMO