
Australasian Society of Career Medical Officers

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22nd March 2003

Attendance: David Brock, David Tree, Harmon Lightfoot, Ron Strauss, Gabrielle du Preez-Wilkinson
Telephone Link: Michael Boyd, Ken Wilson

Apologies: Mary Webber, Danny Briggs

Minutes of 2002 AGM: Accepted (Moved D. Brock, Seconded H Lightfoot)

Outgoing Reports:

    Global events overshadow our activities. We live in interesting times ie: bad things happening largely outside out control. Inappropriate means are not justified by the imagined ends and are ultimately futile. To paraphrase Sun Tzu (ex-career military officer of renown, not medical): to achieve goals without fighting show the highest level of skill.

    Back home, CMO’s are still something of an invisible workforce and one goal of ASCMO is to have the contribution of CMO’s recognised. However, there is a Japanese proverb "the tallest nail is hit hardest by the hammer" which explains why some of us would rather remain invisible.

    Thanks to the small number of ASCMO committee members and our office manager, who actually do all the work to keep ASCMO a going concern.

    Activities of ASCMO this year included:

    Support of the Advance Trained CMO pilot programme, one way of upskilling nonspecialist CMOs and decentralising services to meet needs. Input to Federal AMA on workplace flexibility project and link to AMA’s newly formed Council of Senior Salaried Doctors. Fielding questions for medical administrators in Aust. And NZ on definitions and roles of CMOs Registering as an interested party who must be contacted regarding "area of need" CMO positions advertised in Aust, and involvement in these cases. Lobbying for award improvements via ASMOF.

    Successful Peripheral Hospitals Emergency Medicine Conference and meeting in Oct, and AGM and educational day in March.
    Continuing Professional Development Programme (CPDP) is offered by ASCMO as a means of documenting and planning ongoing medical education, to suit medical board requirements.

    Advertising and service fees are now used as a source of revenue to keep membership fees low.

    ASCMO-talk web group has proved to be our main avenue for communicating with our geographically diverse membership. Quarterly committee meetings are teleconferenced. Out website is a useful reference source and now has a members only section. Newsletters and ASCMO- Times are put out for important events only.

    In conclusion:
    Life rewards participants. Any member who has something to learn, contribute of say is encouraged to apply for committee positions. New members are always welcome.
    David Tree, President ASCMO.

Vice President
    No report tabled. Maintenance of staff is major issue

Secretary: Nil required

    Australasian Society of Career Medical Officers 2002 financial report.

    Verbal information confirms solvency. Numbers and sheets emailed via ASCMO-talk. In essence, $3000 net profit from year, but there are bills outstanding and unpresented. Bank Balance at 26/02/2003 was $13,234.09
        Memberships, CPDP, AGM, Website: $11,095.00
        Interest $24.60

        Total Income = $11,119.60

        Insurance: $423.50
        Accountant: $495.00
        Secretarial: $1,896.58
        Printing: $380.00
        Website: $222.00
        Bank fees: $22.50
        CPDP: $825.00
        Executive expenses for conference costs, travel, website
          David Brock $1,726.76
          Michael Boyd $1,027.43
          David Tree $486.00

        Total Expenses $7,504.77

      Net Profit $3,614.13

      Bank Balance at 31/12/2002 $12,147.76
      Bank Balance at 26/02/2003 $13,234.09

    Of course there will be more expenses that people will bring reciepts for at the AGM, but probably not more than other years. Post them to me at:-
      Ken Wilson
      73 Camden St
      NSW 2042

    Ken Wilson 19/03/2003

Education Officer
    Few certificates for CPDP
    Masters program being reconsidered but minimal interest and multiple other options already available. Attend AMA Flexibility Forum. (Minutes and discussion paper arrived just before meeting) A few concerning comments and negative stereotypes continued to some extent. Formal response required

    Planned CMO article for journals (AMA, RACMA);
    CMO Showcase Conference in conjunction with AGM 2004

    NSW focus - award stalled - many areas still outstanding, including use of MMO’s provisions and payrises/ levels to be redefined The Claim for the award is now out of date. Statement for inclusions about bullying and harassment is required. Will be revitalised when unions get back involved

ASCMO's Website & ASCMO-talk, (ASCMO's email discussion group)
    Website working well and now "cost neutral"
    ASCMO-talk also working well with 19 CMO participants

Office Manager
    Jacqui Riding is resigning
    Currently 102 members with 50 financial;
    57 CPDP contacts
    At peak: 120 financial members
    Possible new office manager being considered at present - membership to be notified through ASCMO-talk – lengthy discussion about role of officer manager and type of person required to fill position
    Michael Boyd recommends a formal letter of thanks to Jacqui - unanimously carried
    Still $1682.28 + $746 still owing to Jacqui

Editor ASCMO Times
    Cutback in number of issues = less money and less content
    Formal magazine: ? needed less as fliers twice per year
    Discussion ensued and decision that need to continue journal
    Also need to contact financial members to increase contribution to the journal

Election of Office Bearers
Position Outgoing Elected Nominated SecondedComments
PresidentDavid Tree D Tree D Brock R StraussUnanimous
Vice President Harmen Lightfoot H Lightfoot R Strauss G dPWUnanimous
Secretary Danny Briggs D Briggs D Tree H LightfootNominated in absentia and passed unanimously, pending endorsement from candidate.
Treasurer Ken Wilson K Wilson D Tree H Lightfoot Nominated in absentia and passed unanimously, pending endorsement from candidate. Endorsement given when Ken joined teleconference
Public Officer Mary Webber M Webber G dPW D Brock Passed unanimously (nomination accepted pre emptively)
Ordinary Members Tom Salonga,
Michelle Metzler,
Mary Nagle,
Ron Strauss (outgoing)
Ron Strauss, Michael Boyd, Steve Myers (incoming)
Appointed Positions Editor Michael Boyd
Industrial Officer David Brock
Education Officer Gabrielle duPreez-Wilkinson
Assistant Ed Officer Steve Myers
Webmaster David Brock
Decision to leave appointed positions filled as per last year

Other Business
Agree to sponsor Peripheral Hospital Emergency Conference again this year. To be held 1-3 October 2003 in Fairmont Resort, Blue Mountains

Next AGM to be held on Saturday 21 February 2004 - with associated conference showcasing CMOs

Mandatory indemnity insurance - discussion about desirability - in NSW medical indemnity generally refunded by employers

Future Role of ASCMO

Still a relevant organization and worthwhile for continuance
Not currently perceived to have mandate with numbers
Need to increase advertising and exertions to obtain members
Need to be lobby and advocacy group
Still pending industrial organizations
Need to ascertain actual numbers of CMO’s - quite difficult
Good base in NSW, some in Queensland, patchy elsewhere

Overlapping organizations may dwindle ASCMO membership - RACGP, ACRRM, Specialist Colleges, AMA

Need to send Flexibility Survey Discussion Paper to Executive

Consider Survey of what CMO members want
1. Advocacy General
2. Advocacy Individual
3. Support for locum negotiation
4. Award Discussions
5. Newsletters
6. Email contact - general or discipline specific
7. Conference information - website links - emergency conference - CMO variety showcase

"Advanced Trained CMO"
    Advanced Diploma is a component
    A CMO trainee in O&G has commenced in Blue Mountains
    Initiated due to lack of specialists in O&G and Anaesthetics, secondary to city based training program, high indemnity costs with perceived litigation issues, and family issues
    Telemedicine links are being used for support
    Potential for this to be accredited for long term training
    Payment situation yet to be defined to us

    Could use AMWAC CMO definition in article

    Anaesthetics training - similar workforce issues - ? need to contact College - ? Find Anaesthetic or ICU CMO to assist - consider contact Steve Myers for contact re anaesthetics

    Danny Briggs could provide update for journal

    Education ticketing - college sets standards, we review and rubber stamp if appropriate as part of CPDP
AMA Links
AMA has offered ASCMO oportunity to be an observer in AMA Council of Senior Salaried Doctors = observer to join meetings quarterly, possibly in teleconference, virtual meeting = consultation has variable impact on outcomes.

Suggest letter to AMA with questions to be answered:
· Who is represented on the AMA Council of Senior Salaried Doctors
· What are the current issues on the agenda
· What plans/ outcomes are perceived from Council
· The time period we would need to be an observer before voting rights allowed
ALSO send an observer, as Harmon Lightfoot volunteers to be involved

How To Succeed in the Workplace
    Need to present yourself as part of the solution rather than part of the problem Correctly define and identify the problem and usually the solution becomes self evident Discussion around above topics and presentation on above by David Brock ensued
    ASMOF (NSW) ASMOF has meetings once per month, which Ron Strauss attends
    Claim in award for increase, noting that there has been 6% increase for nurses, and looking at legal advice for medical staff
    Need to be mindful of nurse practitioner issues
    Claim for new CMO award is before the Industrial Commission. Department of Health has still not entered into negotiation at this time for the award
Approval for Area of Need now has us in the loop for the process
Opportunity presented by Ron Strauss workcover assist grant to $86 190 has been granted to ASMOF - can we assist in this process (and obtain some of funds) - one option is online guide for members and OHS seminars and assessment of this program - LOOK at draft letter considering psychological OHS concerns, eg bullying
Another issue is the lack of permanency for staff - only able to negotiate in one hospital if incumbent manager is on leave

QPSU (Qld)
Increase interest in salaried doctors and DIT
Now regular contact has been established via mail and email lists and teleconferences

Afternoon Session: "Practical Approach to the Violent Patient" .. Hands on workshop

4pm: Close


This page is designed for the sole use of medical practitioners
The information contained within has been provided in good faith.
However, it may contain opinions and errors in fact. Therefore all information is not to be relied upon by any party.
It is presented to stimulate debate amongst the medical profession only

page maintained by David Brock for ASCMO