The MULTI-SKILLED MEDICAL OFFICERS (MMOs) AGREEMENT was developed with the assistance of the AMA and put in place in 1997. It was revised and renegotiated in 2003

It is an agreement between the MMO's Association and the Illawarra Area Health Service and defines conditions for employment of Multi-skilled Medical Officers in the Illawarra Region.

It exists in 2 parts. The agreement itself, and the skills required for "Credentialling" MMO's for each area of MMO employment.

[click on the items in table below]


MMO Skill Levels INDEX

DISCLAIMER: this page is designed for the sole use of medical practitioners
there may by typographical errors from re-typing => all information is not to be relied upon by any party
it is presented to stimulate debate amongst the profession only

page maintained by David Brock for the CMOA